Department of Applied Ecology


Other results

P O S U D E K dle § 9 zákona ČNR č. 100/2001 Sb. v platném znění NA DOKUMENTACI O HODNOCENÍ VLIVU NA ŽIVOTNÍ PROSTŘEDÍ ZÁMĚRU „VĚTRNÉ ELEKTRÁRNY LOBZY“ doc. RNDr. Martiš Miroslav, CSc.; prof. RNDr. Bejček Vladimír, CSc.; Ing. Zdražil Vladimír; Ing. Vitvar Aleš; doc. RNDr. Pecharová Emilie, CSc.; Ing. Keken Zdeněk, -1

Oponent review on the Master thesis "Countryside - a place to live?" (Analysis of the countryside society - a case study of the Krizanky municipality) Ing. Skaloš Jan, PhD., -1

Environmental barometer Ing. Zdražil Vladimír, -1

Environmantal impact assessment of export project of Development of GT TEC Krasavino Ing. Zdražil Vladimír; doc. RNDr. Martiš Miroslav, CSc.; Karel Jan, -1

Environmantal impact assessment of export project of Paintshop in the plant 310 Uralvagonzavod Ing. Zdražil Vladimír, -1

Environmental impact assessment of export project of Production of syringe tubes from medical glass Ing. Zdražil Vladimír, -1

Environmantal impact assessment of export project of Supply of technological system of cement factory Sifievka, Kazachstan Ing. Zdražil Vladimír, -1

Hedgerow-defined medieval patterns in the Czech Republic and their conservation Ing. Skaloš Jan, PhD., -1


Observation of longtime changes and evaluation of development trend of environment in Vltava valey which is influence by build - up JETE Ing. Keken Zdeněk, -1

Virus removal by unsaturated wastewater filtration: effects of biofilm accumulation and hydrophobicity doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Does common reed (Phragmites spp.) contribute to the removal of phosphorous and nitrogen from domestic wastewater in constructed subsurface flow wetlands? doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Constructed wetlands in Turkey doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Incorporation of Oxygen Contribution by Plant Roots into Classical Dissolved Oxygen Deficit Model for a Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetland doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Biofilter-based treatment of leachate from an industrial landfill containing shredder residue of end-of life vehicles and white goods doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus transformations in relation to age of constructed wetland doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Performance comparison of constructed wetlands with gravel- and rice husk-based media for phenol and nitrogen removal doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Effect of pH and COD:N ratio on Ammonium-N Removal in Constructed Wetlands doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

How nitrogen, sulphur and periodic drought affect root phosphatase activity in wetlands doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Simultaneous Removal of Color, Organic Compounds and Nutrients in Azo Dye-Containing Wastewater Using Up-flow Constructed Wetland doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Influence of the Root System of the Common Osier (Salix viminalis L.) on Abundance of Heterotrophic Bacteria in the Willow Sewage Treatment System doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Performance of Natural Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) as Filter Medium, Providing an Additional Treatment Stage of the Effluent of two Pilot-scale, Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Chromium Fate in Constructed Wetlands Treating Tannery Wastewaters doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Impact of Secondarily-Treated Municipal Effluent on a Louisiana Freshwater Forested Wetland After a Half Century of Discharge doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Effect of wetlands on the water quality of an agricultural catchment in a semi-arid area under land use transformation doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Effects of plant harvesting on nitrogen removal in constructed wetland system doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

A Comparative Study of the Nitrogen Dynamics of Three Wetlands in the Higashi-Hiroshima Area, West Japan doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Chemical composition of wetland sediments as integrator of trophic state? doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification in Non-planted Pilot-scale Modified Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland System doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Nitrogen Removal from Agricultural Runoff by Full Scale Constructed Wetland in China doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Treatment of industrial wastewater with constructed wetlands planted with Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis operating in series doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Pollutant removal and the wetland vegetation recovery of an urban riparian constructed wetland in Taipei Basin doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1

Factors influencing the efficiency of constructed wetlands used for the treatment of intensive trout farm effluent doc. Ing. Vymazal Jan, CSc., -1