Department of Crop Sciences and Agroforestry

Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory

Labs and Teams > Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory

The Laboratory of Plant Tissue Cultures focuses on research into in vitro cultures of plants from tropical and subtropical regions with a specialization in the breeding, plant propagation and in vitro conservation of plant genetic resources. Our main research objectives are focused on the optimization of micropropagation technology (nodal and apical cultures, the formation of adventitious shoots, indirect organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis), the induction of polyploidy, the in vitro conservation of plant genetic resources (medium-term conservation, microtuberization) and the study of somaclonal variability of in vitro regenerants. Research in the laboratory is carried out within doctoral, Masters' and Bachelors' theses. The laboratory is equipped with autoclaves, a hot air sterilizer, laminar boxes, culture rooms, incubators and a flow cytometer.

Practical lessons at the Bachelor and Master degree level are offered for the courses Plant Tissue Cultures, and Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources Conservation within the TCME study programme; and Molecular and In Vitro Techniques – within the ATS study programme -  are also carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Tissue Cultures. The Laboratory of Plant Tissue Cultures is among the laboratories with the oldest history at the FTA.