Department of Languages

Solving Foreign Language Timetable Problems

Current Events > Solving Foreign Language Timetable Problems

Timetable Problems
Solving Foreign Language Timetable Problems

D311 Sálus, D303 Ing. Vlkovičová, D308 Ing. Jiroutová
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 – 11:00 and 13:00 – 15:00
Friday: 9:00 – 11:00

Note: You must solve all timetable problems at the Department of Languages. There is no agreement with the teacher.

I need to change the language level (for example, from English B2 to English B1)
You must submit a written recommendation from the teacher whose course you are enrolled in. The change can only be made during the first two weeks of the semester.

The course I am enrolled in has no timetable

If it is a wrongly registered subject, contact your study department.

The subject is not taught for a small interest of students. In this case, the department will offer you courses that are still vacant.

I need to change the time of a course

If your timetable has been changed after the end of the registration period, please submit a confirmation from either your department or the study department.

If your course coincides with another class, submit your timetable. Only the official timetable in UIS will be accepted.

Obstacles that are not directly related to study (job, sport, commuting, etc.) will not be taken into account.

The course is not in my timetable and I cannot change the timetable in the UIS any more.

If your study department enters the subject later, or you have been denied recognition of the subject, your enrolment will be completed.

Other cases will be assessed individually.

I'm studying two disciplines and I have the same subject in both, should I sign up twice?

Register only once. At the end of the semester, simply ask the teacher to enter the result for both courses.