Department of Water Resources

Multimedial Study Guide of Field Hydropedological Measurements

Online outputs of the department > Multimedial Study Guide of Field Hydropedological Measurements

The Multimedial Study Guide of Field Hydropedological Measurements is created in Czech and English versions and it is available at  http://hydropedologie.agrobiologie.cz/en-index.html 

The Guide was created to present and explain selected field measurements determining soil physical and hydrophysical properties in a comprehensive, didactical and user-friendly way. The Guide is for students, and also for academic workers and other interested members of the public. The English version enables everyone to use these guidelines and carry out each particular measurement, as well as evaluate and present the measured data correctly.

Detailed description of the Guide is provided in the following manuscript in Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/262481