Department of Animal Science and Food Processing

Ph.D. theses

Ph.D. theses

Currently realised Ph.D. theses:

Comparison of suckling behaviour among several captive equid species
Researcher: Ing. Michaela Olléová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: RNDr. Jan Pluháček, Ph.D.
Realization: 2012 – 2014
Lactation is the key to sociobiology in mammals. Thus, infant behaviour is important to verify current evolutionary theories in sociobiology. Equids (Equidae) are a suitable group for testing these theories because they are monotocous and their phylogeny is well understood. To date there have been done only a few studies about factors influencing suckling behaviour and other activities among zebra species. Comparative studies are almost missing in equids. Therefore, the aim of the study is to focus on ontogeny of infant behaviour in zebras and test several sociobiological hypotheses based on behavioural differences in male and female foals, experience of mothers, their age, age of the foals etc. The work will be based on observations of all zebra species in zoological gardens in the Czech Republic. Data will be analysed using the SAS System (the GENMOD procedure, or GLMM, PROC MIXED, SAS).
Publication related to the research:
Olléová, M., Pluháček, J. & King, S. B. 2012. Effect of social system on allosuckling and adoption in zebras. Journal of Zoology, 288 (2), 127 – 134.
Pluháček, J., Olléová M., Bartošová J., Pluháčková J. & Bartoš L. 2013 Laterality of suckling behaviour in three zebra species. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 18, 3, 349-364.
Pluháček, J., Olléová, M., Bartošová, J. & Bartoš, L. 2012. Effect of ecological adaptation on suckling behaviour in three zebra species. Behaviour, 149, 13-14, 1395-1411.

The Evaluation of Reproduction in Bactrian Camels (Camelus bactrianus) and the Possibilities of Using Non-invasive Methods for Detection of Heat and Pregnancy
Researcher: Ing. Tamara Fedorova (Haberová)
Supervisor: Assoc. prof. Daniela Lukešová
Specialist supervisor: dr. Karolína Brandlová
Realization: 2009-2013
The aim of the research is the verification of non-invasive methods of reproductive cycle and pregnancy in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) in zoological gardens, their accuracy and possibilities of utilization in practice. First method is based on diagnosis from urine, specifically Cuboni reaction, which is usually realised in mares, and barium chloride test. Further, urinalysis is realised. The diagnosis from saliva is realised by crystallization and analysis of steroid hormones. The research should verify whether the crystallization can detect the phases of reproductive cycle or pregnancy. Saliva is collected several times per week. Hormonal changes in saliva could prove the connection of crystallization and estradiol levels. The evaluation of reproduction in camels bred in zoological gardens and their success rates of rearing, the determination of breeding season in Europe and the testing of sex rations of newborn calves are the last but not least aims of this research.
Publication related to the research:
Haberová, T., Fedorov, P., 2012. Umělý odchov velblouda dvouhrbého (Camelus bactrianus)/Hand-rearing of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus). Gazella 39, 67-75.
Fedorova, T., Brandlová, K., Lukešová, D. 2013. Application of the Cuboni reaction and barium chloride test for noninvasive pregnancy diagnosis from urine in Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus). Zoo Biology (submitted).


Detection of genetic structure and genome interactions of domestic forms and wild species
Researcher: Ing. Milena Smetanová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: Mgr. Barbora  Černá Bolfíková
Realization: 2012 – 2015
Widespread occurrence of domestic animals and their free movement in the area of their wild ancestors is increasing concerns, that introgressive hybridization could disrupt local adaptations and could lead to fitness loose. Hybrids are often behaviorally and physiologically different than parental species. In the case of wolves and dogs, hybrids tend to be physiologically more similar to wolves, but are less timid and might be bigger threat to cattle than wild wolves. Recognizing of hybrids is technically very difficult and up to date methods of population genetics and genomics are needed. The goal is to create methodology for detection of possible hybrids and genome interactions between the wild species and its domestic forms on a properly chosen animal model. As an appropriate model was selected Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus) due to its presence in the wild and genetic knowledge of selected breeds with known pedigree. Wolf is one of few big mammalian predators that survived extinction of megafauna in the end of Pleistocene. Recently, population numbers have increasing tendencies. It is necessary to avoid mixing of dog and wolfs and to monitor wolf populations in Czech Republic. Another aim is to apply the method developed on the wolf/dog model on other animal species with potential hybridization, for instance closely related antelope species. Laboratory applications will be proceed in laboratories of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences CULS. We will use combination of few microsatellite loci, try to develop SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) in international cooperation with colleagues from Instituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Italy.


Non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in even-toed ungulates: The usage of urine examination by seed germination, Cuboni reaction and barium chloride test and saliva crystallization.
Researcher: Ing. Iva Skálová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: Ing. Tamara Fedorova
Realization: 2012 – 2015
Accurate pregnancy diagnosis is one of the decisive factors in animal breeding. Some methods used for pregnancy detection need animal cooperation or presence of veterinary. The objective of the study is verification of non-invasive methods for hormonal changes detection in exotic ungulates in extensive breeding facilities. The usage of laboratory tests from urine for pregnancy diagnosis in non-tamed ungulates like zebu (Bos primigenius indicus), yaks (Bos mutus), primitive cattle breeds, camels (Camelus bactrianus) and lamas (Lama glama or Vicugna pacos) by using the seed germination test, barium chloride test, Cuboni reaction and saliva crystallization will be evaluated. Cuboni reaction will be tested in State Veterinary Institute. This method is based on the demonstration of oestrogen in urine. The barium chloride test is based on addition of 1% solution of barium chloride to freshly collected urine and white precipitate is formed by urine of non-pregnant animals. Urine diluted with distilled water or urine soaked-snow will be used for seed germination test. Seed germination will be evaluated in 24 hour intervals for five days. Urine of pregnant animals negatively influences seed germination. Only a few studies about saliva crystallization in animals are available. Camel´s saliva will be used for evaluation of saliva crystallization together with factors which can influence this crystallization.


Maternal behaviour in Giraffes (Giraffidae)
Researcher: Ing. Markéta Hejzlarová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: Ing. Karolína Brandlová, Ph.D.
Realization: 2012- 2015
Giraffes seem to be well-known animals, representing the “charismatic megafauna” in the wild African environment as well as in zoos. Nevertheless the social and maternal behaviour of giraffes has not been deeply studied. Information about maternal behaviour including nursing, calves development, and about mother-calf relationships is scarce as well as information about the social bonds among females. The main aim of the research is to describe maternal behaviour of giraffes, with a special focus on nursing and allonursing (nursing of non – filial calf), followed by research of social bonds among females, both in captivity and in the wild. This thesis is a part of ongoing research started in 2007, which excluded the “kin selection” hypothesis from the possible explanations of allonursing in giraffes. We will test also: hypothesis of reciprocal help, which could explain allonursing from the perspective of females, and the hypothesis of milk theft, explaining the behavior of calves. Nevertheless, an evidence for reciprocal altruism has been found. Therefore will be allonursing also put into context with other social behaviour, particularly with with dominance, rank order, and social relations. The length of one observation in zoos will be 6 hours and will be evenly distributed between the 8th and 18th hour. It will take place once a week in cooperation with master students. All nursing and attempts to suckle will be monitored and recorded in the table. The interactions  associated with nursing and other manifestations of maternal care will be related to the frequency and duration of nursing. The length of observation in the wild will take 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the  afternoon 6 days a week for two months. In addition to nursing, attempts to suckle and other  interactions between mother and calf, interactions and inter-individual distances between females will be recorded to evaluate the social bonds. For all analyses I will use program Statistica, Statsoft.


Evaluation of male’s stimulation on females reproductive performance and endocrinology in captive cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Researcher: Ing. Eva Řehořová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Daniela Lukešová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: Ing. Radim Kotrba, Ph.D.
Realization: 2012 – 2015
Thesis is focused on reproductive behaviour of cheetah in connection with laboratory monitoring of ovarial activity. The main goal is to evaluate male’s role of visual, acoustical, olfactory and combined stimuli on female’s reproductive performance in captivity. This would increase reproductive success in captivity which is still unsatisfactory. It is possible, that male uses the vocal and olfactory communication to induce reproductive behaviour in cheetah female which is recently crossing male’s territory. This female response is measurable by fecal hormone monitoring. It seems that some non-stimulated females reject the male and fight against him which prevent mating. So stimulation should increase receptivity of female and increase chance her willingness for successful mating which is necessary to induce ovulation in female. Therefore, present project will evaluate the various male’s stimuli on female’s receptivity during estrous cycle and typical reproductive behavioural performance leading to successful reproduction after introduction of male.
Six captive born cheetah females will undergo the experiment with the voice of male cheetah or olfactory stimuli or presence of male in adjacent paddock or combination with random order. Fecal samples will be collected from all females. The ovarian activity from the sample collection prior the experiments (control) will be compared to the level of the hormones during course of the experiments. Fecal samples will be evaluated by immunoassay under standard protocol for this species. Results from enzyme-immunoassays on hormonal metabolites for the period of each treatment treated for individual female with the associations of treatment, female’s age, parity and the consecutive days of collection will be analyzed using PROC MIXED in a multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (SAS V 9.2; SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC).


The effect of genetic and non-genetic factors in sheep production properties in Yemen
Researcher: Ing. Talal Alkhewani
Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Mohamed Shaker Momani, Ph.D.
Realization: 20011-2014
The production potential of the Thamari sheep as well as other native breeds in Yemen had not been well characterized and documented. A field study will be conducted to demonstrate the importance of rearing sheep by farmers in Yemen, and an on station studies will be conducted to evaluate the performance of the popular native Thamari sheep. The local sheep is generally characterized by allow production of meat, which is the most important factor which animals are for, and this is due to a number of factors, including a genetic factors linked to low genetic capabilities of domestic animal breeds besides the environmental factor which effects of productive traits. The aim of the Ph.D. thesis will be achieved to evaluate the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors in sheep production properties (Thamari sheep) in Yemen: a) evaluate the effect of sheep genotype on reproduction indicators, b) evaluate of growth ability of lambs from birth to 130 days of age as depending on upon the particular effects (litter size, sex, dam age, dam weight at mating, dam weight after lambing and year of rearing), c) evaluate of effect of lamb genotype on the growth, feed consumption, feed conversion and carcass value.
Publication related to the research:
SHAKER, M. – SANOGO, S. – COULIBALY, D. – AL-OLOFI, S. – ALKHEWANI, T. Growth Performance and Milk Yield in Sahelian × Anglo-Nubian Goats Following Crossbreeding in the Semi-Arid Zone of Mali . Agricultura tropica et subtropica, 2012, roč. 45, č. 3, s. 117-125. ISSN: 0231-5742.
T. ALKHEWANI, M. MOMANI SHAKER, S.A. AL-OLOFI, S., AL-AZAZI: Production performance of Thamary and Tahami sheep breeds and their crossbreds in Yemen. The 64th Annual meeting of the EAAP, auguast 26th – 30th, 2013.


 Information content in vocalization of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus): individual distinction and recognition of predators
: Ing. Aneta Baklová
Supervisor: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiová, CSc.
Specialist supervisor: Mgr. Richard Policht, Ph.D.
Realization: 2011 - 2014
The young guinea pigs can see, hear and they vocalize. Whey they are separated from mother, they make high-pitched sound which is called whistle. In my diploma thesis, I have found out that the vocal variability of guinea pigs is demostrable. The aim of my next research will be to find out, when the vocal variability appears. I will investigate if the young guinea pigs are able to communicate in ultrasound. Some other precocial rodents like Octodon degus use the ultrasound communication plentifully. For my research I will use ultrasound detector (bat detector). Spektrograms of whistle, which I have recorded by digital recorder, indicate, that the signal can continue over the frequency 22 kHz. Additionally, guinea pigs are able to hear sounds of frequency 46,5 kHz. Guinea pigs vocalize when predator appears, but any detailed analysis of their reactions has not been published yet. The next aim of my study will be to analyse the vocal reactions of guinea pigs to different type of predators – bird of prey, dog and snake. I will use guinea pigs which are kept in captivity (Cavia porcellus), because they are more accessible than wild guinea pigs (Cavia aperea).


Isolation, typing, detection and characterization of Cronobacter spp. from retail food and environment
Researcher: Ing. Věra Mozrová
Supervisor: doc. MVDr. Daniela Lukešová, CSc.
Specialist Supervisor: prof. Ing. Milan Marounek, DrSc.
Realization: 2010-2013
The aim of this study is to determine the presence of Cronobacter spp. in Czech retail foods and in the environment, to isolate Cronobacter spp. from Czech food products, which were available in local markets and isolate these bacteria from samples of dust. The isolation was performed in accordance with the standard ISO/TS 22964. The method is based on selective enrichment in a liquid medium, on the use of chromogenic selective medium (ESIA agar, developed by AES Laboratories Chemunex, Bruz, France), and includes biochemical confirmation. Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics were obtained using a kit, ENTEROtest 24® and the programme TNW ProAuto 7.0® (Erba Lachema Ltd, Brno, Czech Republic) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and by the polymerase chain reaction assay for the species-specific detection of the rpoB gene. The subsequent study was focused on the test of antimicrobial activity of the strains DBM 3157T Cronobacter sakazakii and DBM 3148 Cronobacter malonaticus to 19 plant-derived compounds (thymol, carvacrol, thymoquinone, α-thujone, p-cymene, trans-cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, citral, linalool, camphor , 1,4 cineol, limonene, γ-terpinene, bornyl acetate, curcumin, camphene, α-pinene, β-pinene, trans-caryophyllen), 4 essences (clove, oregano, cinnamon and lemongrass essences) and extract of propolis. This research should confirm the most appropriate method for the detection of these bacteria To determine the most common occurrence of these pathogens in Czech conditions and to reveal the inhibitory effect of plant-derived compounds and essences on the growth of strains of C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus.
Publication related to the research:
Mozrová V, Břeňová N, Mrázek J, Lukešová D, Marounek M. 2013. Surveillance and characterisation of Cronobacter spp. in Czech retail food and environmental samples. Folia Microbiologica (in press).
Marounek M a Mozrová V. 2013. Přítomnost pathogenní bakterie Cronobacter spp. v potravinách z obchodní sítě a ve vzorcích z prostředí. Výživa a potraviny (in press).
Mozrová V, Marounek M, Břeňová N, Mrázek J, Lukešová D. 2013. Occurrence and characterisation of Cronobacter spp. in Czech retail food and environment. International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology (ISAM8), 8:70.