Department of Economics

Subjects taught by the department WS 2024/2025

CodeSubject NameGuarantor
EEEX5EAdvanced Environmental Economics - EMN2P. Procházka
EEEA6EAgrarian policy - EADN2B. Boučková
EED06EAgricultural Policy - EADAN2K. Tomšík
EEE1QEAgricultural Trade - EADANL. Smutka
EED09EAgrobusiness Economics - EADAN4J. Mach
EEE16EApplied econometrics and econometric modellingL. Čechura
EEE3AEApplied econometrics and econometric modelling - PAAN2 comb.L. Čechura
EEE2FEApplied econometrics  - BALN2L. Čechura
EEEZ3EApplied Econometrics and Economic Modelling - BAN2L. Čechura
EEEE7EBusiness Economics - BA6K. Tomšík
EEEZ4EBusiness Financial Management - BAN2K. Tomšík
EEE2LESecurities and stock exchanges - BALN2P. Procházka
EEE03ESecurities and stock exchanges - PAEN4k EAMN4L. Čechura
EEE85ECenné papíry a burzy - PAEN4k komb.P. Procházka
EEEW9EEconometric analysis of time seriesL. Čechura
EEE2QEEconometric analysis of time series - ITBN2L. Čechura
EEEX7EEconomic Analysis - EMNM. Maitah
EEEB1EEconomic Policy - EMN2B. Boučková
EEET2EEconomics of Brewing IndustryT. Maier
EED08EEconomics of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products - EADAN2J. Mach
EEEP3EEconometric modelling for ICT - INFON2 comb.L. Čechura
EEE67EEconometric modelling for ICT - INFON2, SYIN2L. Čechura
EEEP2EEkonometrics - PAAN1 comb.L. Čechura
EEEY4EEconomic analysis and big data processingL. Čechura
EEE7AEEconomic analysis and big data processingL. Čechura
EEER1EEconomics of tourism - VSRRN2vM. Havlíková
EEE96EEkonomics IT - INFONKJ. Mach
EEEZ9EEkonomics IT - INFON2J. Mach
EEE7CEReal estate economics - PAANKP. Procházka
EEEB6EEconomics of the non-profit sector - HKS4H. Řezbová
EEA04ESectoral economyJ. Homolka
EEE1JEEconomics of the brewing industry - EAMNT. Maier
EEET1EEconomics of the brewing industry - PAEN2vT. Maier
EET71EBusiness economy I - TF DSL. Pánková
EEE30EBusiness economy - PAA6P. Hálová
EEEN1E_2Business economics with German terminology - 2nd semesterK. Tomšík
EEEN1Z_2Business economics with German terminology - 2nd semesterK. Tomšík
EEE12EEconomics of the world economy - PAEN2Z. Kuna
EEE76EEconomics of the world economy - PAEN2 comb.Z. Kuna
EEE13EEconomics of the world economy - PAEN2vZ. Kuna
EEEA5EEconomy of global integrated units - PAAN4kZ. Kuna
EEA70EEconomics of the public sector HKI. Benešová
EEE66EEconomics of public sector  in an international context - PAEN4vI. Benešová
EEE93EEconomics of public sector  in an international context - PAEN4v comb.I. Benešová
EEZ73EEconomics of public administrationI. Benešová
EEZ74EEconomics of public administration KSI. Benešová
EED15EEconomics of production and processing of agricultural products - EADN2M. Malý
EEEA7EEconomics of the agricultural enterprise - EADN4K. Tomšík
EEA10EEconomics of animal production AFJ. Mach
EEA78EEconomics of animal production AF DSJ. Mach
EEA16EEnvironmental EconomicsP. Procházka
EEE68EEnvironmental Economics - EMN2kP. Procházka
EEE62EEU and EU economic policy - SYIN2vK. Tomšík
EEE1TEEvaluation of Business Economic Performance - BANH. Řezbová
EEEI5EEvaluation of Entrepreneurial Activity - BAN4I. Boháčková
EEEN2Z_2European integration with German terminology - 2. semestrK. Tomšík
EEA18EFinancial practicumD. Pletichová
EEA88EFinancial practicumD. Pletichová
EEEV1EFinancial management of the companyR. Aulová
EEA02EFinancial management of the company -AFJ. Mach
EEE7BEFinancial management of the company - PAANKP. Hálová
EEE22EFinancial management of the company - PAAN2P. Hálová
EEE2DEHealth and Environment - GISM2M. Maitah
EEE1NEEvaluation of the economic performance of the enterprise - PAAN4vH. Řezbová
EEE1WEEvaluation of the economic performance of the enterprise - PAAN4v Kombi.H. Řezbová
EEEI3EEvaluation of business activity - PAAHKN4I. Brožová
EEE17EEvaluation of business activity - PAAN4I. Boháčková
EEEP4EEvaluation of business activity - PAAN4 komb.I. Boháčková
EEE32EEconomic policy - PAEN4M. Svatoš
EEE80EEconomic policy - PAEN4 komb.M. Svatoš
EEEH1EEconomic policy - VSRRHKN4M. Malý
EEEC1EEconomic policy - VSRRCHN4M. Malý
EEEJ5EEconomic policy - VSRRJN4M. Malý
EEEK6EEconomic policy - VSRRKN4M. Malý
EEEL5EEconomic policy - VSRRLN4M. Malý
EEE81EEconomic policy - VSRRMN4M. Malý
EEE53EEconomic policy - VSRRN4M. Malý
EEES5EEconomic policy - VSRRSN4M. Malý
EEEU6EEconomic policy - VSRRSUTN4M. Malý
EEE1KEIntegration processes in the EU - EAMNK. Tomšík
EEEF6EIntegration processes in the EU - PAEN2v, PAAN2v, PRN2vI. Boháčková
EEEW1EInternal and external market of EUK. Tomšík
EEE2TEInternal and external markets of EU countries - ITBN4K. Tomšík
EEEW4EInternational economic relationsL. Smutka
EEE2VEInternational economic relations - ITBN4P. Procházka
EEE57EInvestments and long-term financing - SYI6J. Mach
EEE1BEIT EconomicsL. Čechura
EEEB8EIT Economy - INFOAN2J. Mach
EEEE3EMacroeconomic Analysis - EMN4kM. Maitah
EEE46EManagerial Economics - EMN4K. Tomšík
EEE1GEInternational trade relations - EAMNM. Maitah
EEE2CEInternational trade relations - PAEN4v Kombi.M. Maitah
EEEF8ENatural Resource and Energy Economics - optionalM. Maitah
EEEG2ESectoral economics - PAEN2kM. Malý
EEE75ESectoral economics - PAEN2k komb.M. Malý
EEEG1EPersonal finance and investing - PAE4vH. Řezbová
EEES6EPersonal finance and investing - VSRRS4vH. Řezbová
EEEG4EPersonal finance and investing - VSRR4vH. Řezbová
EEEH3EBusiness Administration - VSRRHK6L. Pánková
EEEC3EBusiness Administration - VSRRCH6H. Řezbová
EEEJ2EBusiness Administration - VSRRJ6K. Tomšík
EEEK2EBusiness Administration - VSRRK6L. Pánková
EEEL3EBusiness Administration - VSRRL6K. Tomšík
EEEM2EBusiness Administration - VSRRM6H. Řezbová
EEEU2EBusiness Administration - VSRRSUT6H. Řezbová
EEES2EBusiness Administration - VSRRS6J. Mach
EEE59EBusiness Administration - VSRR6K. Tomšík
EEE2GEPrognostic methods - BALN4L. Čechura
EEEP6EPrognostic methods - INFON4 komb.L. Čechura
EEE31EPrognostic methods - PAAN2k, INFON4L. Čechura
EEES8EPrognostic methods - PRNS2L. Čechura
EEER3EPrognostic methods - PRN2L. Čechura
EEEF9EPrognostic methods - INFOAN4L. Čechura
EEA13EAgricultural and rural development programsK. Tomšík
EEA86EAgricultural and rural development programsK. Tomšík
EEEF2EReal Estate Economics and Transactions - ErasmusP. Procházka
EEEZ5EReal Estates Economics - BAN2P. Procházka
EEEW2ERegions in the international economy and tradeI. Benešová
EEE2PERegions in the international economy and trade - ITBN2I. Benešová
EEER5EDevelopment economics - HKSN3L. Smutka
EEE2HESecurities and Exchanges - BALN2P. Procházka
EEEX6ESocial and Solidarity EconomyP. Kotyza
EEEE4ESocial Economy - EMN4kB. Boučková
EEEX2ESustainable Growth and Economic Policies - EMN2I. Benešová
EEE94EWorld economy - PAENKL. Smutka
EEE54EWorld economy - PAEN2L. Smutka
EEEA9EWorld market for agricultural commodities - EADN4L. Smutka
EEEG7EThe history of economic theoriesM. Maitah
EEE2KETrends in the world economy BALN4L. Smutka
EEE1FEMarkets and market structures - EAMNM. Malý
EEE1CESustainable growth and economic policies - EAMN4I. Benešová
EEE1ZESustainable growth and economic policies - PAEN4 Kombi.I. Benešová
EEEG6EValuation of natural resources and real Estates AppraisalM. Maitah
EEZ03EPublic financeI. Benešová
EEZ04EPublic financeI. Benešová
EED10EWorld Agricultural Commodities - EADAN4L. Smutka
EED07EWorld Economy and Economic Institutions - EADAN2K. Tomšík
EEER6EForeign trade - EAM4vL. Smutka
EEED1EForeign trade - PAEN2kL. Smutka
EEA01EBasics of business economicsM. Svatoš
EEA80EBasics of business economicsM. Svatoš
EEA81EBasics of business economicsM. Svatoš