Department of Languages
- Optional language courses are intended only for Ph.D. candidates, students, and employees of CZU Prague and are professionally guaranteed by the Department of Languages FEM CZU.
- Registration for the course must be done electronically before payment via the e-mail address of the particular course lecturer (see below). Please wait for the lecturer's response before sending the payment for the selected course.
- The course fee: CZK 1,800.
Payment will be made to the account: 500022222/0800 - Variable symbol: 112022
- Enter your family name and the name of the course in the "Message for recipient" field (e.g., Fernandez-Czech A1/1).
- Send confirmation of payment from the bank by e-mail to your course lecturer immediately after the payment.
- The payment covers 20 teaching hours per 1 semester (10 classes), and the fee is non-refundable.
- Provided the offered courses are filled (at least 15 applicants pay the fee mentioned above before the start of the course), the classes will begin on the date indicated for the relevant course (see below).
- If there are not enough applicants, the course will be cancelled, and the fee will be returned.
- A detailed offer of courses will be continuously updated on the website of the Department of Languages: link to "Optional Courses."
Courses offered for SS 2024/25
ANGLIČTINA B1/B2 (gramatika a konverzace)
English B1/B2 (grammar and conversation)
Martina Jarkovská
Úterý/Tuesday 15:45 – 17:15 JIHS17
Začátek kurzu/Course begins: 18/02/2025
* note
Konverzační čeština (B1/B2)
Conversational Czech course (B1/B2)
Eugenie Maleninská
Pátek/Friday 12:15 – 13:45 JIHS17
Začátek kurzu/Course begins: 21/02/2025
Čeština A2/B1 (gramatika a konverzace)
Czech A2/B1 (grammar and conversation)
Martina Jarkovská
Úterý/Tuesday 12:15 – 13:45 JIHS25
Začátek kurzu/Course begins: 18/02/2025
Čeština A1/1
Czech A1/1 beginners
Milena Dvořáková
Zrušeno - nedostatek uchazečů / Cancelled - insufficient applicants
Akademická angličtina B1/B2
Academic English B1/B2
Martina Jarkovská
Čtvrtek/Thursday 15:45 – 17:15 D332
Začátek kurzu/Course begins: 20/02/2025