The AppVenture Student Development Team is a group of students from FEM CULS, mainly from the Informatics study programme, who, in their spare time, deal with the analysis, development and testing of applications for the university. Students build on their knowledge from their studies and further extend them in practice. Individual team members specialize in specific activities (development, coding, testing) or on specific technologies (websites, UX, graphics, videos).
The student development team is currently focusing on the following major areas: PHP and Nette web applications, Google Script for G Suite, and video creation. Students work not only on stand-alone projects but also prepare designs of user interface, graphic designs, and prototypes for other projects.
For the development of web applications, CMS Storm Web-based studio Eclair has provided the know-how and content management system. Eclair organizes workshops for students, helping students with PHP development in the Nette framework. The student development team works closely with the senior FEM Development Team.
The AppVenture team has in the past collaborated on mobile application development and now focuses primarily on web projects. AppVenture team's first project is the portal "První kroky po ČZU" (First Steps at CULS), which provides important information for new students about the studying at the university and about the life in the university campus. We are now expanding the “První kroky” (First steps) by a video guide that will guide students through the pitfalls of university life.
We are currently preparing a presentation website for the International Business Studies Exchange Network (IBSEN) and we are working on creating a separate information website for the use of UEP and catering options for students. In cooperation with OIKT, we are preparing a further development of the portal of personal pages of staff and doctoral students, as well as the portal of units and departments at CULS With the CULS Study and Information Centre we work together to create a new user interface and to implement a new VuFind search tool for the library system.
An interesting opportunity for inclusion of support applications is the implementation of the G Suite for Education cloud system on FEM. Apps are written in Google Script and use the interconnected ecosystem of Google tools. For the cloud system Google G Suite for Education, we have created an application for submitting and processing reports from external experts working on SIS FEM. In cooperation with the Department of Management, we have prepared a system for recording working hours, which allows to switch from the obsolete forms of attendance entry. Both systems, the report processing and the attendance system, are applicable to other units and departments of the FEM. The only condition is the active user account in G Suite. Using Google Script, we also process source files for the Photo bank FEM, which contains photos from CULS and FEM events.
Team members:
Jan Prokop - team management, analysis
Petr Kejda - analysis, programming
Jiří Novák - programming, Google technologies
Jakub Štěpán Novák - UI, UX, design
Jan Belšán - videos, scripts
Martin Čihák - videos, texts
Tatyana Broslavets - photo bank
Vojtěch Dušek - coding, videos
We work with many other students on irregular basis, for example for testing applications, creating featured films, etc. The student team is continuously looking for new members, who can replace colleagues who have graduated.